Smartclide TD Interest

SmartCLIDE TD Interest Backend Component

Preconditions to build and run TD Interest

To build and run the backend service of TD Interest, the following software is required:

  • Java (at least version 11)
  • Apache Maven (at least version 3.2+)
  • Docker (for building and running the final image)

How to build TD Interest

TD Interest can be built using maven with the following command:

mvn install

In order to build a Docker image of the service that can be deployed, the following commands can be used:

mvn install
docker build -t ${IMAGE_NAME:IMAGE_TAG} .

More specifically:

mvn install
docker build -t smartclide-td-interest-backend:latest .

How to run TD Interest

All the images of this component can be found here.

You can run the backend service with the following command:

docker run smartclide-td-interest-backend:latest

Extra dependencies of TD Interest

This component uses an internal database in order to calculate the TD Interest, as from its definition requires historical data. This database is a postgresql where the schema can be found here.

After the creation of the database, the properties for accessing the database can be changed from here. In order to change the database url, username, and password. - spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/tdinterest - spring.datasource.username=tdinterest - spring.datasource.password=tdinterest